Friday, June 1, 2012

What are you swinging at?

My friend Nichole posted the following on her facebook timeline:
"be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some sort of battle"
It's a great thing, to spread kindness. Always. I like to say being kind to others is a gift to yourself.
 It's the second part that got me thinking.

 Here's the thing that bothers me about that statement.
I would say, "most everyone you meet thinks they are fighting some sort of battle."
"Why would I say that?", you ask.
  Physics. I'm no Will Hunting, I admit. I do know this, though. The past is gone. Forever. It's not what we call "real". What is "real"? I would define real as that which we can detect with the sences. Touch, taste, smell, hearing, sight. There's nothing in the past that you can lay hands on.
  The future hasn't happened yet. nothing in the future is real yet.

Did you ever see a bunch of people doing tai chi in the park?
  When I hear that someone is fighting a battle, unless they are making physical contact with an opponent, I visualize that person swinging at air.

  I studied Ishin Ru karate for about 2 1/2 years in the 90's. If you've ever studied martial arts and practiced "kata", or "forms", and literally swung at an immaginary opponent, you know it makes you tired.

If you haven't studied martial arts, try this. Grab a baseball bat, or a hockey stick or something you might use to defend yourself with. (NOT a gun) (duh) Now find an open space. Outdoors is probably best. Make sure there's no one around you. Now swing that thing as though you were fighting for your life.

Whew! wears you out, huh?

The point is, if you are doing battle with the past, or a "what if..." or with a concern for the future, you're swinging at air. And it's taking a physical toll on you.

 I hope you aren't swinging at air.
Save all your passion for the real stuff.

P.S. Checkwith a physician before swinging stuff. Also, let him/her know if above activity causes an erection lasting more than four hours. Thanks.

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